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WHAT IS RED LIGHT THERAPY? Red light therapy is a form of medicine that delivers energy to cells through the application of a range of both visible and invisible wavelengths of light. Other names for red light therapy include low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low intensity light therapy (LILT), phototherapy, photobiostimulation, biostimulation (BIOS), photobiomodulation, photonic stimulation, among others. It was once believed that only red colored lasers exhibited healing effects, but it has since been established that the far less-expensive LED's (light emitting diodes) can also impart the same beneficial effects. This is fantastic news for the publc because it means very powerful healing devices are now available to everyone at affordable prices. Red light therapy is an FDA approved treatment for pain and anti-aging uses, but if you look at the scientific literature, evidence indicates that red light can do much, much more. It has bee...
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